Our 2025 Summer CSA is now full. To be added to the waiting list for Summer 2026 CSA, please send an email with “2026 CSA Waiting List” in the subject to rivercrestfarm@gmail.com.

What is a CSA, anyway?

In a CSA, members buy a share in the farm's harvest, and then pick up their vegetables once a week throughout the growing season. This is good for the members, as they get fresh, healthy food and pay less for it than they would at a farm stand or farmers' market. It's good for us as small farmers because we can spend more time in the field taking care of vegetables and less time in the farm stand, and we can grow a wider variety of crops. All our food is grown using sustainable methods. While we are not certified organic (we don't want to spend the money or do the paperwork) we are members of the Northeast Organic Farming Association and we are committed to using safe and ecological growing methods. We use only organically approved fertilizers and pest management and all our plants are started in certified organic compost.

Our ideal members will be people who:

1. Like to cook. We can share recipes, too.

2. Want healthy, fresh, local food.

3. Want to visit the farm weekly to pick up their share of the harvest and say hello to the animals and the farmers.

Our plan for 2025 is to provide our members with fresh vegetables once a week for 16 weeks: from the first or second week of June until late September. Pick-up days are Monday, Wednesday, or Friday. If you can't make it on your day, you can come the next day for a late pick-up.

We'll begin in mid-June with lettuces, radishes, greens, and pea pods. By mid-July, we should have garlic, beets, onions, greens, kohlrabi, and beans. In August and September there will be onions, carrots, eggplant, tomatoes, peppers, etc. By late September we'll be winding down with winter squashes, popcorn, kale, and (hopefully, if the deer are not running amok) pumpkins.

Besides the vegetables that we harvest and put in the walk-in cooler for you, there is a pick-your-own herb garden, a blueberry patch and a raspberry patch, and a flower field where you can gather a bouquet each week (flowers are usually ready by late July). Last year, our members also enjoyed rows of pick-your-own kale, Swiss chard, collards, cherry tomatoes, and Malabar spinach as well.

Suppose the weather is terrible and some crops fail? Then you won't get quite as much, but we grow a lot of different vegetables, and you will get a decent share.                                                                                                                   
2025 Full Share Price:  $575

Subscription length: 16 weeks, beginning in June and ending in late September
Pick-up location: River Crest Farm, 534 Oronoque Road, Milford, CT 06461
Pick-up days: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday (assigned in early June)
Pick-up times: 1PM until 8PM

We do not offer half shares but you are free to split your share with another person. Who picks up the share and how you split it will be up to you.

Email us at rivercrestfarm@gmail.com if you have additional questions!